Office 365 Licence Management
Since introducing O365 to my organisation, there has been a steady flow of people wanting to use services within it. The licences for which have been applied on an ad-hoc basis by several global admins.
Now we are in a position to make these services more official/ production, I needed to licence those users who were not yet licensed, plus sort out the improperly licensed people.
It seems that either one of those global admins who was assigning licences or maybe self registered users were getting the Information Worker licences – e.g. STANDARDWOFFPACK_IW_STUDENT. This was not desired, so my script had to sort those out as well!
Additionally, people whose status changed from being staff to anything else needed to have any staff licence revoked and replaced with a student licence – and vice versa.
I also wanted to control who should be given those individual licences, like Office Pro Plus and Dynamics. For the moment, those entitled to these licensed are held in text files – I’m working on migrating to using AD groups instead, but for now just needed something that just works!
The script logs added and removed licences, to C:\Office365-Scripts\Licencing\LicenceManagement.txt
Error emails are based on the content of the $error variable, using a function to generate the mail body.
Here is the script: