
Backup and Clear Domain Controller Security Event Logs

A post related to https://blog.oholics.net/logparser-loves-security-logs/, for Case 3.

If you don’t manage security logs by regularly backing them up and clearing them, you risk losing important historical information. Additionally, running a LogParser query against a large, unmanaged security event log takes a long time.

The below script is designed to be run daily at the end of the day to backup the security event log on a Domain Controller and then clear its contents. Additionally, the logs are archived off to two windows shares to allow for long term storage.

The script makes use of Jaap Brasser’s DeleteOld script (https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Delete-files-older-than-x-13b29c09) to carry out tidy up operations of the local staging folder. In practice, I used the same script to manage the archive folders too, keeping 365 days worth of logs.

Usage: .\BACKUP_AND_CLEAR_EVENTLOGS.ps1 <DomainController> $clear

Make sure that the security event log maximum size is increased to a high enough level to ensure that none of the days logs get overwritten. Judging that size will depend on the number of events per day or alternatively just set to “do not overwrite events”.

Note: the event ID’s are purely made up 😉

LogParser Loves Security Logs

Just digging something up that I used to use regularly to look for logon events related to a certain username (samAccountName). Thought I’d regurgitate them here for “the next time..”

Three different SQL queries for three different use cases:

Case 1. I know that the logon event that I’m looking for occurred on DC01.oholics.net, I’m therefore going to interrogate the live DC log. The primary username I’m looking for is “jon”, a secondary name shown as “dave”. This could be replaced by a junk string if I’m only really looking for “jon”, or just trim the query (up to you.. ).

Case 2. In my domain, there are three domain controllers, I’m not sure where the logon events happened, so as in Case 1 I search the live DC logs, but this time searching all DC’s logs.

Case 3. I have three months of backed up logs to search through (in C:\TEMP\Logs) for all logon events for samAccount name “jon” (and optionally “dave”, as above). I may splurge out the script that I used to use to backup and clear the event logs next, that could be useful again – I’ve got to clean it first.

Usage: logparser -i:EVT file:<SQLFileName>.sql -o:CSV -resolveSIDs:ON 


  • The above SQL query is saved as LogParserRedaction.sql in the same location as the LogParser binary.
  • The collection of logs to be redacted are in C:\TEMP\Logs\
  • The output file will be written to C:\TEMP\Output\output.csv

Redacting sensitive content from Windows event logs using LogParser

Consider the scenario: opening a ticket within Azure for an issue with an infrastructure component or security event. IP addresses, domain names and Machine names are classed as sensitive and should not be revealed to MS support staff.

You have a folder filled with event logs from the problem machine(s). You need to redact the above mentioned properties.

By using LogParser with the following sql statement, a CSV file is exported which strips out the sensitive properties, replacing parts of the properties with X’s.

  • OHOLICS‘ is replaced by XXXXXXX‘ where it is found in an event log, in the Strings, ComputerName, Message or Data fields
  • The first two octets of an IP address are stripped, where these are ‘192.168.’ in the Strings, Message or Data fields
  • blog.oholics.net‘ is replaced by blog.XXXXXXX.net‘ where it is found in an event log, in the Strings, ComputerName, Message or Data fields

Note that after the output file is created, the header row will need to be updated to remove the replace statements. Where normally just the item name would be added as a header, the full replace query is added as the header for those items.

Usage: logparser -i:EVT file:LogParserRedaction.sql -o:CSV -resolveSIDs:ON 


  • The above SQL query is saved as LogParserRedaction.sql in the same location as the LogParser binary.
  • The collection of logs to be redacted are in C:\TEMP\Logs\
  • The output file will be written to C:\TEMP\Output\OUTPUT.CSV