Cancelling FIM Requests
A few days ago, I made a mistake while messing with my test set. I was getting bored of making myself drop in and out of a set (using the GUI) by changing my AccountName between my real account name and my AccountName plus another character. I was doing this to test my PowerShell workflow.
I was looking to use the Lithnet PowerShell cmdlet to add and remove me as a manual member. While trying to make this work, I removed my AccountName from the criteria based membership – thus the mistake was made!
I saw rather a lot of PowerShell workflows kicking off. Initially, I didn’t understand what was happening, until I looked at the requests and saw that each request was for a different person. By removing my AccountName from the criteria based membership, I had opened up the membership of my Test Set to “All Users”, thus all users fell into the set and kicked off a PS workflow. Bugger!
I found this:, which I’ll leave here for future reference. But in the end decided to just let the workflows progress, it was late in the day anyway, they would be done by the morning. A quick test of the commands in the referenced post indicated that it was going to take an age to get all of those requests the were in a Post Processing state.
Of course by the time it had got them all, many may have been processed by then anyway..
Lesson learnt: change the scope of a set carefully!